Interested in training with Econ?

If you would like to train at the Goalie Guru Facility, you can contact Chris at

Friday, March 18, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Not Train on Synthetic Ice

10) It ruins your skates.
9) Your ability to slide is not even close to real ice.
8) It is really expensive.
7) You don't play on plastic ice, so why would you train on it.
6) If your your trainer doesn't have access to a rink and his answer is plastic ice... Red Flag!
5) The only thing you can do on it is stand there and take shots.
4) All goalies build muscle memory with their save selection training. Why would you train on something that could cause you to feel awkward when you really have to play.
3) Just like roller hockey, you have a better chance of rolling your ankle or getting hurt because you stick to the ground when you fall.
2) With all of the studio rinks being built in North America, you can find a better option in most hockey towns.
1) If pro and high level goalies don't train on it, there must be a reason.